High Precision Vehicle Inventory System for a Japanese OEM

Customer:Leading Japanese OEM


Customer wanted to build a high precision vehicle inventory tracking system leveraging RTK and GNSS technology. The location details could be used by the respective dealers to identify the exact location of the vehicles on a web portal or their mobile apps and provide necessary assistance to their customers


  • Developed dongle software client and communication with Cloud using MQTT
  • UX/UI design and development of native Android, iOS mobile apps and web portal
  • Hosted on AWS and corresponding server side development of components for data ingestion and processing
  • Set up development, quality assurance and staging environments and adopted CI/CD approach in rollout and delivery
  • Developed REST APIs for exchange of data from the relational data bases
  • Publishing of smartphone apps to Google and Apple Appstore
  • UX design and visual development of mobile app screens for Android, iOS mobile apps and web portal
  • Development of web portal for desktop that will be used at Dealer Control Centre
  • Development of iOS and Android native apps for dealers
  • Server side development of components for data ingestion and processing
  • Field testing of smartphone apps with support from client team
  • Publishing of smartphone apps to Google and Apple Appstore


The solution is aimed at reducing the resolution time for vehicle issues and at increasing productivity.

High Precision Vehicle Inventory System for a Japanese OEM

Customer: Leading Korean Auto Electronics OEM

Customer:North American Automotive OEM

Customer: Leading Japanese Automotive Tier-1